well, the farmers market trip was a success. we purchased some bread, granola and a huge watermelon. it will take an army to eat that whole watermelon!
gianna was good for the most part. she is in a very "touchy, feely" stage and wants EVERYTHING!
after the market we headed to the founta
ins down by the river.
that was a blast! gianna had so much fu
n and finally ran through the water so that her head got wet! i was so proud of her!
then we headed to Petsmart. they were having adoption day and of course i fell in love with a dog.
there was something about this dog that i felt so connected with her. she was a terrier mix, about 1 1/2 years old and she was tan and black.
she was little too, with these little paws and a little tongue that just kissed you all over! she was definitely a lap dog! she just wanted to be held in your arms.
she was a bit mangy, but i think that is what drew me to her.
well, unfortunately i was told "no" and she did not come home with me. i actually shed tears on the way home and felt a heaviness in my heart.
i know the responsibility of another dog is large and there is always the additional cost. but i think having her with us might have helped me a bit.
maybe lifted a bit of the sadness that has surrounded me again lately.
and i thought that maybe this little dog would grow up with gianna, be her little side kick.
but i suppose i missed the chance on her and hopefully someone else wanted to give her a good home.
otherwise, maybe we will meet again and then i will know we were meant to be together!