Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 1 of the 31 day Blogger challenge!

So, here I am...basically on day 10 beginning day 1!  I suppose all that matters is that I am actually starting!
So, day 1 challenge is to write an elevator pitch...As you can see I have described my blog as being about my thoughts about everything! In a nutshell, that's my way of talking about what happens all around each and every one of us!
I have also changed the layout of my blog...Since this is about ME writing, I thought the little girl was perfect! (and she looks almost exactly like me...just add 30+ years!)
So...wish me luck on the next 30 days of this challenge!  I am hoping it will increase my writing capabilities and broaden my knowledge of blogging. The internet is our media is the tool to share and discuss basically everything about everyone!  Online publications to be shared openly and freely.
I only hope my ideas, my creativity and my writing skills is enough to keep my readers entertained so they keep coming back for more.
And hopefully this challenge will enable me to do just that!  So...check back and watch as I "grow" during this 31 day challenge!

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